Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Just thought i'd display some future purchases.. 
Hopefully my parents will order these on Friday when my exams are over with ..
(as I'm not supposed to be doing any online shopping until friday evening when I'm exam free, oops! well it is impossible..)

This year I've had no such luck in the sale..
But alas!
Here I'm saving £63 on the clothes and as it totals over £75 i receive free delivery. Which I'm super happy about as Urban Outfitter delivery price (yes these are all from there) is over £5, i think it's £7 is it? Well now, that is ridiculous..

I decided to place a ban on myself.. To not buy anymore shorts.
My style is becoming too predictable and i always wear nudes and sequins so i think tie-dye, black and greys and purchasing trousers! (woah, that never happens) is a change..

Kimono- £20
Glitter Leggings- £30
Dress- £30


  1. Great items, the dress is gorgeous :) xx

  2. LOVE those leggings!

    Drea xoxo

  3. Love it all, but fuck you must be rich!

  4. Thankyou Aimee!
    And I'll check it out steven..
    Thanks Drea, i love them too, obsession on glitter at the moment, oops
    Thankyou anon person, but no not rich. Just a girl who has a good paid job who has nothing else to spend her money on except clothes.. Enough of the language please! :3


Thanks for all the fab messages! x